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Image depicting Water Crisis endangers people's lives

Water Crisis endangers people’s lives

Image depicting Water Crisis endangers people's lives

Water Crisis endangers people’s
Student Reporter
Kolkata, November 20: Out of 70% of water on Earth only 3% is freshwater. And 2% is present in the glaciers & the remaining 1% is what we all drink and use for our daily lives. Still people waste water at a rapid speed throughout the world. They pollute water resources & make it unfit for drinking.
Today many places are even facing severe water scarcity. Chennai, Tamil Nadu is at the highest peak. In 2019, even there was a massive quarrel for water tanks as their main source of water, lake Puzhal had dried up. Places like Maharashtra & Surat had to set water timers due to immense shortage of water. Also in this type of places water pollution is increasing at a high rate. If no steps are taken towards it, maybe due to contaminated water people will suffer from several diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea etc.
Countries like China, Niger, Syria etc are also having the same water crisis. People are therefore suffering a lot.
But still if people want, they can stop this major issue from increasing. They have to stop polluting the water bodies and use only the amount it is required, not more than that. Even Government have to look towards this matter for the citizen’s welfare. And specially the citizens, themselves have to do, thinking of the leftover amount of water we have still now.

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