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What does it mean to be happy?

People say happiness is a warm fuzzy feeling, memories contentment, satisfaction, luck, money but can happiness really be defined?
My friend’s letters read in secret nooks, that camera that holds all my memories in a flash saved where my recollection doesn’t last, that diary that has everything. All fit in a box ready to be carried from door to door. So is this box my happiness?
I switch and twitch and actively make the decisions of which. Which part of me belongs today, which aspect of my personality will offend the least and blend the most and work and succeed like a switchboard that decides my fate. Why? Just to achieve happiness because they say happiness is being better than what you were yesterday.
But what I did or maybe you do is erroneous. It would be fair to say that what everyone wants of life is to be happy. This pursuit of happiness is exactly why they are not, at least not at all times, like we think we should, can deserve or to be.
Happiness can not be achieved only by positive thinking but by positive action. Did you know a study suggests that our minds wander 46.9% when we are awake. So our thoughts are automatic, they have a life of their own and to create happiness just by controlling positive thinking is hard and impossible. For example, if I ask you to close your eyes and relax without thinking anything for five minutes would be really difficult then to raise your hand for five minutes. Therefore happiness or well being can be better built by positive actions and not positive thinking.
Happiness can be cultivated and built but this comes with good news and bad news. Good news is that happiness is not something we can find outside, or something that we have or don’t its all a skill which can be worked upon. But bad news is that we don’t do it.
The solution that comes to my mind is that there should be psychological gyms that teach how to create happiness and well-being like we have gyms for physical training and for better health. So there should be a psychological version of a green salad or 50 push-ups.
People can teach or exercise their brain to feel that warm fuzzy feeling. For example, when I get up in the morning before I start my daily routine I make my bed, fold the blanket, spread the bed sheet perfectly, align the pillows and tuck in my soft toy near the blanket. When I come back from school after all my energy is drained from the studies, practices and work. I enter my room and feel a tingling and warm sensation. Perhaps, this is happiness for me maybe it’s different for you. What I’m trying to say is that you can cultivate happiness by starting such small activities. You will notice that happiness is within you. You just need to bring it to life.

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11, Delhi Public School Rudrapur

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