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What does it mean to be happy?

If you ask a kid what he wants to be, chances are he’ll come up with his favourite movie character or maybe an actual job like a doctor, policeman and so on. But as we embark on the rocky road of life, we often seem to notice that after a certain age, all we really want is to be happy. Sometimes it feels so unattainable, that state of absolute happiness that stems from within. So what does it really mean to be happy? My experience with life is relatively minuscule with respect to those older than me, but within these years if I’ve learnt one thing. It is that happiness isn’t as complex as we think it is. It’s one of the most beautiful emotions to exist. Sometimes its watching people’s face light up when we tell them how beautiful their smile is, its that tight hug for your mom that makes her day, its setting mini goals for ourselves and being proud when we achieve it; it’s the five seconds we take out of our day to ask someone how they are doing, it’s the tiniest thing we thought wouldn’t matter that does. Happiness is nothing but the reflection of love we have inside us. The love we have for ourselves. It’s giving others a piece of your smile when you notice them without it. We don’t really need to have everything in the world to make us happy. All we need is a heart full of love and a head full of dreams.

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12, The Choice School, Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala

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