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What does it mean to be happy?

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”

In today’s busiest life man has forgot to laugh, enjoy and lead a happy life because he has too many worries about his job, health, daily needs and future of his young ones and many more. In this way he can not find happy moments in his life. DREW BARRYMORE had said that, “Happiness is the best make-up.”
Happiness is defined by different people in different ways. Some people find happiness in money and in luxurious life, some find it in living people around us and some find it in the welfare of his young one.
There are many people around us who claim that they have achieved everything in life in terms of wealth, career and success but they are feeling unhappy, unfullfillment and incomplete and fail to get happiness. Someone had said that,
“Whoever is happy will make others happy”
Money has most important role in one’s life. Every person needs money for their daily needs that can be purchased by money. But there are many things which cannot be purchased by money and one of that important thing is happiness which cannot buy. Simply if we define happiness, it is state of mind. Feeling something good that is happening in our daily life. We feel happy when we achieve something in life. There are big and small things which happen in our daily life and lead us to the path of happiness. Sometimes a person thought and his inner feeling give him a relaxed life that is called happiness which cannot be buy but only feel.
We must spread good thoughts and positivity because it works wonder and bring us to feel a happy and cheerful life.
At last I want to say that life throws a lot of challenges at us on daily basis if we drown in these challenges we would mentally depressed. It is important that we find positive things in our daily life to get excited about and feel the happiness.
Now we understand that “Happy people lives the happiest life.”

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9, BCM Sr. Sec. School Focal Point, Ludhiana

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