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What Does It Mean To Be Happy?

What Does It Mean To Be Happy?
Happiness is a subjective term. What makes one, experience the feeling of happiness, does not necessarily make another feel the same. It can be broadly defined as a positive emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, contentment, life satisfaction, and just the general emotion of feeling good.
Happiness to me is hearing a room full of applause because I danced passionately and gave it my all, it’s cuddling with my cats on a rainy day and it’s singing along with my family to our favourite numbers albeit poorly. Now, these instances that bring me happiness might not apply to the person reading this or for that matter, anyone else.
People experience both positive and negative emotions. As teenagers, our minds get subjected to sudden and severe depression and anxiety. We build up the stress in our lives, be it about the coming examinations or our future career path without ever addressing it. It is a common misconception that feelings of depression should be kept bottled up inside of you rather than it being openly talked about. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of the same coin. They co-exist, creating a balance in life. After all, how can one be in a state of happiness if they do not first experience unhappiness? When we’re devoid of such emotions, life would just be neutral, lifeless even. It is absolutely normal to feel sad at times. All emotions are normal, just like good and bad days, good and bad movies, and good and bad people. To be happy means allowing yourself to also be unhappy. We have to stop trying to deny this unhappiness as a normal experience, as a part of being alive. You are a person that experiences emotions, just like every other human being on the planet. Try not to identify yourself as a happy or sad person. There are days when you feel happy and days when you don’t. Happiness is not a perpetual state of being, but rather a feeling that you experience that makes riding the crazy rollercoaster of life worthwhile.

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9, The Choice School, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta, Kerala

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