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What does it mean to be happy ?

Happy is a feeling of joy,pleasure or good fortune – exactly how would you feel if you learned that you won the lottery or got accepted into your no.1 choice of colleges. On its own, happy means an enjoyable or satisfied state of being.  Happiness is when your life fulfills your needs. In other words,happiness comes when you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Happiness is a feeling of contentment,that life is just as it should be perfect happiness, enlightenment comes when you have all of your needs satisfied.
What are your essential needs to be happy?
Since happiness is when your life fulfills your needs,the next logical question is,”what are my needs?”
Over the millenia many have offered answers to this question and nearly all came back with too simple ans to what is. at its core a complex problem.
Let me ask a question. Would you say that you, like all humans, are complicated to understand? Of course you are .We all are. If we aere. If not, life might be much simpler but also much less rich. That complexity means that there are no simple ,one size – fits all answers to what makes us happy.
Our individual needs vary based on our genetics,how we were raised and our life experiences. That complex combination is why makes each of us unique, both in our exact needs, and in every other aspect of what makes us the person we are.
“The keys to Happiness. Your ultimate guide to building a lifetime of fulfilment and satisfaction”
Which not only explains much more about the WE PROMISE categories and all of your happiness essentials, but shows you how to build a happiness plan and even compute your happiness index to give you a measurement of your happiness which you can track our time.

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10, BCM Sr. Sec. School Focal Point, Ludhiana

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