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What does it mean to be happy?

“To be happy, you must be your own sunshine”
we all ask ourselves at some point of our life, what is happiness? does it make any difference? let us see that by some points-:
1) We all think, that winning a lottery, or having an abundance amount of money, will make us happy, but money is not the only thing that contributes in our life. Being rich dosen’t mean that we don’t need friends, or family around us. Having relations is much more important than money, in some aspects, as money cannot buy love and happiness, but being with the right amount of people, can make you happy, and can help you to move forward with a happy life. In some research it has been proven that, increase in happiness is the response to the events that has already happened in our life, but it will return to the baseline after sometime, So this proves that we should enjoy the journey more, and care less about the destination. Hence, its’s very important to remove the misconception that there is only one thing that is money which will make us happy permanently.
2) Happiness is not something that you can buy, or recycle it or eat/drink it. Happiness is something which come from inside, something which you have to discover it on your own. Never be dependent on others for happiness, be it your partner, child, parents, they can only give you temporary happiness, but the real one can only emerge from itself. once you have discovered it, everything is going to be vibrant.
3) Never compare yourself with anyone, it’s very irrelevant because most of the people in the world are pretending to be happy. They might tell you about their achievements or their success, but they will never tell you their difficulties or failures. because everything a human being tell might be a lie. so comparing yourself is useless, but you don’t have to prove anything to others, as you are living for yourself and not others!
4) In high school, we have once in our life experienced of someone not liking us, and it threatens our happiness, but then again its their problem and not ours. As long as you are good deep down inside, and you are facing yourself every single day, it’s not your problem. We should not waste our life, making other happy, because we cannot satisfy anybody’s greed, but we can satisfy somebody need. When someone thinks bad about us, it might sting, but it should never change the thinking of us and how we think of ourself.
5) Always wake up yourself with positive quotes, and be happy to god and your parents, for feeding you well, and keeping you alive, fit and happy,
6)At last HAPPINESS means living your life to the fullest and not caring about others and not making people happy, because to live a happy life, “HAPPINESS” is the SECRET SAUCE, which lies in ourself deep down

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10, Shalom Hills International School

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