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What does it mean to be happy?

Being happy is the only thing a human being searches for. There are several people in this world who have many opinions of being happy. Some say if you have a nice family then you are happy, some say if you achieve your life goal you are happy and some say if you are rich then you are happ. I might say this is in a very few simple words that we put all our lives on a certain goal and think that on that particular time i will be happy and in that case some of your loved ones are gonna be happy. But if you don’t put up a certain goal to achieve then they will not be happy. Happiness is the key to success but we see success is the key to happiness. Being happy means finding it in every little thing and not waiting for it.

If you will be happy in present then the future will be happy too. But if you will not be happy in present then there is a probability of being unhappy in the future too. Then you will regret that i wish i was happy at that time too. Money can buy luxurious things like cars and houses etc. but in reality it really cannot buy happiness. When you are happy you forget about every little thing and then it itself leads to a positive path that nobody has ever desired of. Being happy is subjective and happiness cannot stick to a person for a long time because every person on this planet has ups and downs. But its you who can turn things into happy and a positive side. You only live once you never know what’s gonna come and what’s gonna go, so be happy .

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