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Image depicting WHO COULD MISLEAD US?

PART 2 :

After Red Fox (Mia) asked Butterfly (Olivia) not to participate in the discussion but to complete her pending artwork, Lion Cub (Easter) continued pondering over who could possibly know about them, as they hadn’t informed anyone. In the midst of it, Red Fox (Mia) interrupted his thoughts and asked, “Did any of us talk to someone about our group in excitement?”

Everyone responded with a unanimous “no.”

Butterfly (Olivia) was also engrossed in finishing her artwork, but her mind struggled to recall if she had mentioned it to anyone. Then, she remembered that she had gone to her school yesterday for an art lesson. While returning, as she was passing through the football ground, her phone rang, and she answered the call from Wood Owl (Bruno). They discussed the design of their secret room. However, they encountered a problem—the network connection was poor. Therefore, Butterfly (Olivia) had to speak loudly, raising the possibility that someone might have overheard her. She recollected that when she was leaving the park, their enemy, John, was attentively listening to her conversation.

“It’s John!” exclaimed Butterfly (Olivia) loudly.

She proceeded to narrate the entire sequence of events.

In response, Red Fox (Mia) instructed everyone to search for anything unusual that wasn’t present before they departed for “THE FIRST MISSION.” Nightingale (Amethyst) stumbled upon an adorable, fluffy teddy bear. Red Fox (Mia) then asked Nightingale (Amethyst) to tear the teddy apart.

Stay tuned for Part 3!

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Radhika Kathait

7, Shalom Hills International School, Gurgaon, Haryana

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