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As a leader, what three changes would you make in your country’s constitution?

Hey , I am Manisha Sunar. I am introducing my topic briefly.

I will pick our Nation i.e., INDIA. Since the day I can understand the situations in Society, I noticed many things which need to change.

1.Honour Murders (based on Caste)

2.Gender Descrimination ( not only women are discriminated, some of the men also get descriminated by their wives, which leads to mental torture to them and we know how women are descriminated in our society, even a small girl child doesn’t have safety )

3.Agriculture Development

Firstly, we will think of all these, but we need to change major thing, our political thinking of ruling one person, it causes degrading others thoughts. Leader should be the one who can lead the people trusted him/her in a correct way. This is our life, whatever it offers we need to accept it and enjoy it, till the end.

1) Honour Murders: I am not able to understand who gave right to stop others life, by saying its my pride of killing. In Olden days, caste was divided based on the work they do, means present day we can see Engineer Caste, Doctor Caste, Actor Caste, Recruiter Caste, Driver Caste, Teacher Caste, Lecturer Caste, Relator Caste… on….what if an engineer married to a doctor is intercaste???
Please be conscious while trying to do anything like these, its not you to decide to kill other person, you are not GOD to do so.

2) Gender Descrimination/Abuse: Now a days, everyone are experiencing this abuse, even a small girl, becoz of these things parents of girls are going to restrict them not to go here and there, I have a fear of our future generation how would they live, will they have the freedom how we have, will they can play like us????

3) Agriculture: Agriculture is our nation’s backbone, but now because of some malnutrition in our nation, backbone’s strength is reducing. Everyone is feeling afraid to choose agriculture as their career, but without that we can’t reach our basic needs. We know exactly our basic needs are food, shelter and clothing, but because of luxuries and great development in technology, we are forgeting that from where we are getting our food. As per official government figures, between 1995 and 2014, nearly 3 lakh farmers have committed suicide in India. Information from agriculturists in India suggest that real figures are nearly 10 times higher. There are many reasons for the reduction in agriculture, it may be, there is no proper cost for the products produced, there may be no water facility, reduction in ground water facility. Reasons may be so many, but the farmer should have one trust on our society, if anything goes wrong there are some helping hands, who can take care of their issues. Everyone should feel responsible if anything goes to our farmers ,as mother feed us, farmers are mother’s to our Nation. We need to respect them and need to stay with them.

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9, BCM Sr. Sec. School Focal Point, Ludhiana

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