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Birds Halloween

we all love to celebrate Halloween, but though birds celebrate it  ? hello, I am Mr. crow and today is Halloween. today I am going to scare my friends. sweetie sparrow, crunchy crane, and my bestie drill the woodpecker. I am going to become a scarecrow, I know this is for scaring crows but today I am going to scare my friends. first I am going to Mr. Gregor’s huge garden to bring some pumpkins. don’t make a noise if he hears I will be in trouble.

so, after getting all stuff, by flying miles far away I got thirsty and tired and silly I forget the way to go home. but it was Halloween I thought to ask trick and treat. everyone’s way decorated the same so I was not able to identify houses. I knocked on one door but it was open when I stepped inside the door closed and all of the sudden lights turned off and my friends with one flashlight come with their scary faces. i screamed loudly after that they give me water and we celebrated Halloween after went for trick and treat.

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8, ST FRANCIS CONVENT SCHOOL, Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh

Comments: 1
  1. […] that day was writing a great story on a Birds Halloween. My teacher said that it is great. I was in the 7th heaven that time. But I thought to myself that […]

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