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Image depicting Celebrating Kabiguru: A Special My Expressions Feature

Celebrating Kabiguru: A Special My Expressions Feature

Image depicting Celebrating Kabiguru: A Special My Expressions Feature

The 25th of Baishakh, a very special day for Bengalis and all of India, resonates with a unique energy. Today, we at Curious Times are delighted to share a touching tribute to the legendary Rabindranath Tagore. This submission, titled “Kabiguru,” comes from the talented Ahamteertwaa Maity as part of our My Expressions section.

Ah, Rabindranath Tagore! The mere mention of his name evokes a sense of warmth and deep respect. The flowing beard, the soulful poetry, the gentle spirit – Tagore was a true champion of the Bengali language and a cultural icon.

This young artist has skillfully captured the essence of the Kabiguru (Great Poet), portraying him with a reverence that shines through their work.

We can only imagine the thoughts that filled Ahamteertwaa Maity’s mind while creating this tribute. Perhaps they envisioned Tagore’s vibrant verses, the way his words transformed the Bengali language. Or perhaps they drew inspiration from his boundless creativity as a poet, playwright, composer, and philosopher.

This artwork serves as a wonderful reminder of the enduring legacy of Rabindranath Tagore. His influence extends far beyond the borders of Bengal, shaping the cultural landscape of India and inspiring countless minds, young and old.

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6, Techno India Group Public School Garia, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL

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