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Durga Puja

Durga Puja

Durga Puja is an annual Hindu festival which is particularly popular in the Indian states of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Assam, Odisha and the county of Bangladesh. The actual Durga Puja is not during this season, it is during spring. In this season the king of Ayoudra, Ram Chandra summoned Goddess Durga to help him defeat Ravan. As time passed by the people started considering this time of the year as the actual Durga Puja. It starts on Mahalaya when Ram defeated Ravan with the blessing of Goddess Durga. Mahalaya, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchami, Shosthi, Shaptami, Ashthami, Nabami and Dashami are the days of Durga Puja. It is also known as Navaratri.

On Shosthi, Kalabou is bathed. Almost everyone considers Kalabou to be the wife of Lord Ganesh but she is not anyone’s wife. She is made up of nine types of leaves or trees and is a form of Goddess Durga who we worship. On the last day of Durga Puja which is Dashami the women play with sindur and say goodbye to Goddess Durga. This is a Bengali tradition. Then the set the statue of Goddess Durga in a lake or river and leave her to go up to heaven and come back next year again. After that the young children touch their elder’s feet and show respect to them and the peers hug and wish the elders.

The children get a holiday during the pujas. They go pandel hopping with their parents to see lots of statues of Goddess Durga and lots to different styled pandels. Although the murtis of Goddess Durga resemble the same thing they are different and unique in their own way. The children eat junk food, buy balloons and go to many different concerts and ceremonies. This season is also special for kashphul which is a type of flower. It is one of the unique thing of Durga puja and the children enjoy playing in the kashphul fields. Nowadays Durga Puja is not celebrated by Hindus only. They are celebrated by all religion and is standing as an utshab when people share sweets with each other. Everyone enjoys this festival with the delight of Goddess Durga coming to them. So I wish you all a Happy Durga Puja. May you be blessed with happiness and good health for the rest of your life

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