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Image depicting Ed Leader - Nita Arora, Sri Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, Delhi

Ed Leader – Nita Arora, Sri Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, Delhi

Ed Leader – Nita Arora, Sri Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, Delhi

Education is an integral part of a child’s upbringing. We, at Curious Times, have made it our aim to ensure that we also play an active role in imparting the right knowledge to all the Curious children. As such, we also try to ensure that we are always in touch with the leaders in education today and learning from them. After all, it is important to learn from the best.

So, today, we present to you a one-on-one conversation with Nita Arora. She is the Principal of Sri Venkateshwar International School (SVIS), Dwarka, Delhi. Founded by Shri Raj Pal Ji, the school aims to provide and maintain quality education where excellence is driven by values. It strives for a harmonious blend of tradition and technology.

Here is a short excerpt of the one-on-one conversation of Nita Arora with Deepti Beri, Director at Curious Times. Also, watch the full video of the conversation at the end of this excerpt.

When did you decide to step into the world of education? What motivated you to become an Educator? Ever since I was a child, I was an independent child and really enjoyed school. I think that’s what was also the foundation of my love for learning and teaching. In fact, I wanted to become a principal to guide teachers. When I became a teacher, I fell in love with teaching and children. I encountered many wonderful children, who faced challenges and I tried my best to encourage them. This made me realise that different children require different types of learning. I’ve changed a lot of schools throughout my career because I wanted to grow as an educator. As I had wanted to become a principal, when that happened, I wanted to be a good principal.

Share some of the challenges you have faced in your career journey. How did you convert those challenges into the pillars of success? I’m a very frank person and I can honestly say that the first challenge is the society, the second, government, the third, parents, the fourth, the management and finally the mindset of the people. If we can help children overcome the rigid challenges that they face, they can flourish. A big problem is that society defines jobs and makes them hard to get and this restricts children and their dreams. The system doesn’t want children to learn. Reservation is also an issue we face and government education systems are also neglected. Moreover, the quality of teacher education is also not good and needs a massive overhaul. Parents should also stop judging schools by marks that children receive in classes 10 and 12. Education is not just for a job or career; it’s to change the world and contribute to society.

What are the changes have you observed over the years in the field of education? Are you happy with these changes? The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a lot of technological changes but not for all. Many schools and children are lagging behind, while many have also misused the online system. This needs improvement. Wi-Fi should be freely available to all so that online education can be accessible to all.

What changes would you like to see in the field of Education? What role can the various stakeholders like the government, teachers, students and parents play in this? It’s important to educate teachers to be well-prepared and trained. At my school, we have regular training and tests for teachers to inculcate skills that they need to teach children in the right way. The government also needs to pay a lot more attention to government schools, where the majority of children in India study. Education revolution is the need of the hour but no one has talked about it yet. True education needs to be available to all. There should be no compromise in the quality of education.

Share your message with the aspiring teachers and leaders of tomorrow. As social beings, humans need to interact with each other. So, teachers have an important role to bind society, children and families into a cohesive and fruitful community. They will never become redundant as they are the ones who have a psychological understanding of children. It’s also important to make children independent learners. However, teachers who don’t change with the times will become redundant. So, they must keep learning and changing with the times.

Share your message for your and Curious Times students. See the positive side of things and enjoy them. This is a good time to learn about yourself. Each of you has immense talent and be fearless. Be humble and kind and always revise your dreams. Always have a plan B. You will find your calling one day. Life is beautiful as long as you are happy with yourself.

For us, as a school, we consider challenges are an opportunity to innovate.

Nita Arora, Principal

Sri Venkateshwar International School, Dwarka, Delhi

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