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How to be productive during quarantine?

We all know that this lockdown has stopped our going out, our normal routines, and a lot more things. but why don’t we try and make this lockdown as much fun as it was before lockdown…

We can do a bunch of things, there are opportunities everywhere, we just need to take the path to find those opportunities and grab them.

You can play with your families, write stories, watch movies, read storybooks and a lot more things… try to make your lockdown as much creative as you can. In fact, you can also write poems, stories, and post at CURIOUS TIMES also. It is the perfect platform I believe to showcase your talent.

Make your lockdown as much productive as much as you can and enjoy your life to the fullest.

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Suryassangyini Chaudhary

6, DPS Sonepat

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