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How to deal with bullying?

We all come across bullies. But how to deal with bullying and bullies?

1. Tell an adult or a teacher. If you are being bullied, it’s very important to tell an adult first and foremost.
-Tell your parents the entire story. Parents are here to help and want to know what is going on with you. Your parents, moreover, may then be able to get in touch with staff at the school in order to try to stop the bullying. This is important particularly if you don’t feel comfortable telling your teacher or fear retribution from the bully.
-It’s useful if you keep a diary of everything that happens. That way you can let your parents and other adults know about specific incidents.

2. Report bullying incidents to the school. Inform teachers, principals , or other school helpers. These adults have the power to intervene and help stop bullying. Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out because they’re afraid that they’ll get into trouble.
– Teachers are especially important resources if you’re being bullied. They can provide protection from bullying by letting you stay in the classroom during recess or by setting up a buddy system on your behalf.
– It’s important to let your school know about any bullying incidents because there may be other kids being bullied by the same person.

3. Talk openly about bullying. Just talking to someone about your experience can bring you a bit of relief. Good people to talk to include a guidance counsellor, sibling , or friend. They may offer you some helpful solutions, but should not be approached in lieu of telling your parents or school personnel. Just talking about what you’re experiencing and feeling can help you feel less alone
– Some children have reported real success from peer counselling programs at their schools.

4. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Telling an adult is not tattling. Bullying is NOT a small or trivial matter; it is wrong and it helps if everyone who gets bullied or witnesses someone being bullied speaks up.
– Remember that you cannot tackle bullying by yourself. No one can, not even adults. Getting help is the right thing to do when dealing with abuse, bullying, harassment, or assault.

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4, Fountain Head School, Surat, Gujarat

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