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If I were to make an app for teens

If I am making an online platform/app for teens, I’ll try to make it as fruitful as ever. I will call it “TAPP” which stands for teen app. I will add subsegments in it regarding education, finance, and normal everyday social media use. In the education section, Students and teens would be free to upload their notes, ask questions, to other students and everything would be accessible by everyone else. This will help them to learn and grow. In the finance section, this would be a neo bank app for teenagers. This will allow parents to keep some money in the application accounts for teens which they can use anywhere and everywhere. We will also provide them with a debit card. Which can be recredited by parents. To further this idea, I will also add the feature of cashbacks to help the teenagers by not breaking their budgets. In the Social Media segment, we will create a division in which people can share their photos and videos on a platform. Any sort of hate speech, bullying language or nudity would be banned to keep a safe environment for everyone. This app will help children learn the scholastic division, learn the financial division which is an important aspect of life and finally learn the social division to help them learn more about life and be an active citizen. There won’t be any scams or phishing as this app would come under the compulsory 2 factor authentication guidelines and each account would only be created by the details of Aadhar Card or any citizen card to prevent spam and fake accounts. I genuinely hope this will help the teens in India and the world. Thank you

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9, DPSG International

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