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India – Our Motherland.

A Republic nation is our Indian land.

With mountains, rivers, plains and sand

Nature’s beauty and fauna so grand

Each state having its culture brand

Dress, Art, Music and Festivals galore
Cuisines, traditions, customs and more.

Fascinating in all its variety

A nation so unique in diversity

Our flag symbolizing courage and sacrifice.

Fertility, Prosperity and green fields of rice

Truth, Purity, Peace and Dharma

For a people so very conscious of Karma

What of the tiger, so fierce and proud

And Elephants blowing their trumpets aloud

The peacock strutting in colourful splendour

The Lotus, and a fragrance of jasmine so tender

A heritage in which can surely take pride

Our historic leaders for freedom have strived

No caste, creed, religion should ever divide

But we must in true harmony ever reside

For justice and tolerance and peace let us stand

United in love for our dear Motherland.

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Abraham George

11, Tattwa Centre of Learning, Ernakulam , India

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