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Is it normal?

There is a lot you learn from childhood
It teaches us to laugh, to cry, to win and to lose
For instance, look at this cheerful fiery girl
She needs no reason to laugh and no pain to cry
A small bruise, and her eyes well up like a rainfall
But it’s equally easy to make her smile
And why not? Aren’t kids supposed to be like that?

But childhood loses itself with growing age
We don’t even realise how the way we walk, took, look
Every part of our body undergoes a transformation. Isn’t it?
But she did
Mom was busy in the kitchen when suddenly,
She heard a loud scream
Frightened, she ran to the room upstairs to find
Someone calling out her name

She knocked at the washroom door softly and asked
“What happened, my child? Are you alright?”
Her question was responded with sobs
It was she, that girl
She couldn’t understand what was happening
Why was there blood? How did she get hurt?

It was then that her mother explained to her that
She got her periods for the first time
That cheerful fiery girl who wouldn’t even think before
Playing and running around
Now felt conscious before every single step she took
Not once, but time and again every single month
Mirror was her worst enemy.

Every day she’d notice
Something new, something strange about herself
Her mother told her to get used to it
Teachers would blame biology
But no one ever said that she was not responsible for any of this

So she continued to tolerate her pain
She was okay with the period but,
The back pain, the body aches
Was that supposed to be normal?
Feeling nauseous, getting headaches, locking herself
In room angrily, crying without any reason
Sometimes she’d miss school, sometimes homework or playing
Was all this normal too
She doesn’t know. She didn’t have any answers

With growing age she began to get habituated to this growing pain
She felt like she was born to live with this
This is exactly what happens right? With all women
This pain during periods, would visit every moth like an uninvited guest
And she had accepted this abnormal pain to be normal
I guess you all did too

But one day something happened that changed her opinion completely
A few months ago she met her friend and she saw her taking a medicine
Worried she checked her body temperature but she didn’t have any fever
Now, she was worried even more.
She asked her, “Are you okay? What are these medicines for?”

It was then that she told me how the pain she was experiencing
During periods had become so intense that she had to visit a doctor
After examination, the doctor told her that the pain she was experiencing and had been
Ignoring for so long thinking it was normal wasn’t something
All women experienced during periods

The doctor told her that the periods are normal but the pain is not
And this condition is called Dysmenorrhea
And for its treatment, she was now taking medicines

Initially she couldn’t believe that what she said.
She tried reasoning with her friend saying
The period pain is a normal thing, She has been experiencing it for years now. Its natural
Her friend just told her one thing
If someone keeps telling you the same thing over and over again
For years you would believe it to be true, Its not your fault
If the society deems something true, you would identify it as the truth as well

But for how long will you keep listening to what others have to say and keep tolerating the pain
Today, science has progressed enough that even for the biggest of problems we have solution
And look at you, you are still living with age old beliefs
She didn’t have any answer to this. After she came back home, she began to research about it
And what did she find? Her friend was right. Dysmenorrhea exists
Periods are normal but the pain she was suffering with, was not
For six years she believed that tolerating this pain is her responsibility
A part of every woman’s weakness as well as identity
Do you have stomach ache? No problem, don’t go to school today
Back pain? Why? Oh, periods. Don’t worry just use a heating pad and everything will be ok
When we don’t know much about something, we often believe what others say about it

But if you have to go through so much pain,
Then don’t you think, you need to raise your voice
Don’t you think you need to seek treatment for it?
And if the treatment is available then why wait?
I know that you are probably thinking that you have heard this all before
You probably consider this as daily drama and chose to forget about it
I would like to say friends,

मेरी नहीं तो कम से कम अपने दर्द की सुने
क्योंकि ज़िन्दगी के इस धागे से हमने सपने है हज़ारों बने

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Ansh Singhal

10, DLDAV Model School Shalimar Bagh, India, Delhi

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