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Mistakes Are a Part of Our Life

A list of silly mistakes was being read out by Jotika. We all were chilling out in our club, ‘Smile A While’. Next up was me and I couldn’t wait to share my mistakes.

‘Smile A While’ is a club for elderly people. We all meet once a month usually on the last Sunday. We air out our mistakes with each other and have a lot of fun. Every state in our country has such a club. Now we have only twenty-five people, but we always try to get more because the more the merrier.

Everyone was very excited to hear me because I was the person who made the funniest mistakes. Every since I was 10 years old, I put shaving cream on my brush instead of toothpaste. Nobody would be ever able to understand the predicament. Shaving cream did not taste good and tasting it every day was not fun. Everyone was curious to know that how did shaving cream taste so, my advice was to try it themselves!

Next was Sneha, the youngest girl of our batch. She was a homemaker, she always looked forward to these meetings very much. Sneha always wore daily clothes instead of her nightdress in the night and nightdress in the morning.

Lakshya was a doctor, gynecologist, and the youngest boy in our group. He mixed up the gender of the babies. He called boys girls and vice versa.

Personally, this was the funniest incident according to me. This group was kept for the older people because we make more mistakes. It Is a consolidated effort to not repeat those mistakes again.

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