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National Symbol, our pride- Republic Day Contest

The Glory of Shining India!

That glory of shining India,
Looking as graceful as a peacock,
Roaring silently as emblem,
Hidden power as tiger!

That glory of shining saffrons, whites and greens,
Never ending ruling like queens,
Having Ashoka Chakra in-between,
Having depth meaning as marine!

Issued by the union government,
Having 4 faces of lions in all directions,
As hard as a nut,
And has no corrections!

Also the national tree of Bangladesh,
As saccharine as honeyed,
All time fresh,
That’s none other than mango!

A sacred flower,
occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India,
Lotus is much glower,
The ever pink and blooming!

India is as graceful as it’s feathers,
Rarely it seems to rain,
They always rock,
And they are peacock!

Their history is as dignified as India as fined,
Mind provoking,
So let’s say together,
Jai Hind!

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7, Sri venkateshwar international school

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