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Image depicting Poem -"The Sound Of Thunder"

Poem -“The Sound Of Thunder”

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In the middle of the night,
Thunder rolled through the blankets of fluffy clouds
It did give me a little fright
Thunder applauds.

As I snuggle in my cottage
Lights put out,
I hear the thunder roll
I start to doubt.

What shall this bring,
Rain, hail, or snow?
Such a mysterious thing,
An electric show!

I start to hear the drizzle
Over the shelter,
It makes me twizzle
I started feeling colder.

As the thunder roars,
I sit alone
Waiting for a stronger downpour,
But it has gone.

Thunder rolls no more,
Wind gusts outdoors,
What a great time to adore,
The magnificence of nature.

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10, New Indian Model School, Dubai , Dubai , United Arab Emirates

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