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Image depicting Poetically Perfect

Poetically Perfect

Image depicting Poetically Perfect

Poetically Perfect, a poem by Pramiti Kumar, Delhi Public School Jankipuram.

Poetry is a piece of art,
These pieces emerge and fill up my heart.

The emotions from beyond and all around,
Emotions that thread with poetry and make it bound.

Bound to never leave its side,
For it to be within and hide inside.

Poetically, the world makes so much sense,
Within which pantomine is gone deep in dense,
No place for you and me to be tensed.

They are only words on pages,
But its grave remark is what rages.

Impromptu thoughts become organised,
The arbitrary is forgotten and flaws are disguised.

Poetry is a process done leisurely,
It rushes into the soul pleasurably.

In this world full of lies, no place for candour,
Poetically it can all be perfected.

In this world full of vindictiveness and hatred, no place for real love,
Poetically it can all be bettered.

In this world full of unforgiveness, no place for repentance,
Poetically it can all be burnished.
It can all be forgotten and forgiven, poetically.

-Pramiti Kumar

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8, Delhi Public School Jankipuram

Comments: 1
  1. Curious Kitty says:

    Great poem Pramiti. Keep it up!

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