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Protection For Endangered Species

These Species are endangered because they are loosing their habitat. They have to leave their habitat. For example:
The Polar Bear –
Polar bears spend over 50% of their time hunting for food. But because of ongoing and potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change–the primary threat to polar bears Arctic-wide–polar bears were listed as a threatened species 


In the world we have many Scientists. For the animals who live in the snow like Snow Leopard and Polar Bear, they can make a ‘SPECIES PROTECTION SHELTER’ a dome – shaped large room where the endangered animals get to live in their habitat where they lived before. It would be an artificial land. And for the animals who live on land like the elephants and birds, we all should plant trees and reduce deforestation. The main reason for some endangered species is because of the climate change. Some people are killing them to achieve precious things from them. We should avoid this. Most preferably the whole world should try to use Renewable sources of energy to produce electricity and other useful things of our day – to – day life like the solar panels from sun energy etc. So that Global Warming reduces and these species get to live in their habitat again. Till then the protection shelter will help them to be alive till we work towards reducing Global Warming.

Solution for protecting endangered animals.
Why are these species in danger ?
What can we prevent from doing to save them ?

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6, Educon International School, Pune

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