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Soldiers in scrubs

Our entire nation is in lockdown and most of us are working from home. but one sector of workers continues to go to work every day. They are soldiers but of a different kind. they do not wear camoflage uniforms but wear scrubs instead. They have no medals on their uniforms to proclaim their rank but proudly wear stethoscopes as their medal. They do not fight with guns and bombs; instead, they fight using syringes, scalpels and bottles of medication. they do not fight with hefty terrorists from invading countries but they fight against microscopic terrorists that invade systems of their countrymen. And the fact of the matter is that while they caution us and tell us to stay home and stay safe, they only can afford to stay safe and not stay home.

In the light of the Covid-19 outbreak, the extraordinary work of doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers has been highlighted. Everyone says that COVID – 19 has shown us how hardworking our doctors are in the face of a crisis. but it is my firm belief that no doctor treats any ailment as small or big. An illness must be treated and it does not have to something as major as COVID. it so happened that pre-outbreak we had taken treatment for granted and post-outbreak we have realised that our doctors have immense potential and can tackle any medical situation with utmost efficiency and celerity. healthcare workers have always been our frontline workers. we had just stopped seeing them for who they really were – lifesavers.

We do not need a day to remember and honor their gratifying work, it is something that is way beyond expression and way beyond gratitude in terms of a few words. honoring is a practice in ways we have never even thought about so it is time we learnt to respect our healthcare workers not just for a day or a week, but for as long as we live.

I extend my humble and sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the medical employees working against this enemy and laud their undeterred courage and commitment to the patients.

I would like to end by quoting Hercules “a true hero is not measured by the size of his strength but by the size of his heart and work”.


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Abhilasha Ghosh

Grade 10, Navy Children School, Goa

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