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Image depicting crumbling world

The Crumbling World- Poem

Image depicting crumbling world

The Crumbling World

Trees, rivers, oceans, and a deep blue sky
That was all we saw once upon a time.
All the pollution now blinds me.
The development they call it; I disagree.

Trees have lost their green,
Oceans have mislaid their blue,
Skies have betrayed their clean,
And flowers have forgotten their hues.

There is not a ‘you’ or a ‘me’, but an ‘us’.
Together we betrayed our guardian.

Like a mother, Earth housed us.
And we gave nothing in return.

The world is crumbling.
As it did once before.
It’s time to notice-
once and for all.

It’s time to take a stance
Against what we have
Done to the mother
The son, the father, the brother.

We once cherished it all,
And left footsteps so small,
But now tread all over,
And call it ours.

But now it’s time to give,
to face our past mistakes,
to make the right choices,
to surge ahead on the right foot.

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Lakshmy Anand

8, GEMS Millennium School Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

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