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Image depicting Water Pollution Through a Child's Eyes

Water Pollution Through a Child’s Eyes

Image depicting Water Pollution Through a Child's Eyes

As the editor of Curious Times, it is with immense pride that I present a poignant piece of artwork titled “Water Pollution Through a Child’s Eyes,” submitted by Sahithi from Shalom Hills International School. This crayon drawing is a powerful visual narrative that vividly portrays the critical issue of water pollution and reflects the artist’s deep concern for the environment.

In this child’s art, Sahithi has masterfully used vibrant colors to depict a distressing scene of environmental pollution. The drawing illustrates a polluted river, choked with garbage and industrial waste, flowing beneath a hill where houses and a factory stand.

The factory’s smokestacks emit dark plumes of smoke, symbolizing the grim reality of environmental pollution. The once-clear water is now tainted, filled with plastic bottles and other debris, painting a stark picture of water pollution.

A notable element in this crayon illustration is the sad sun in the sky, casting a disheartened expression over the landscape. This artistic choice highlights the broader impact of pollution, affecting not just the water but the entire environment. The inclusion of animals struggling in the polluted water adds a touching layer of empathy, reminding viewers of the innocent lives affected by human negligence.

Sahithi’s 3rd grade art goes beyond mere depiction; it is a call to action, urging viewers to recognize and address the issue of water pollution. The use of crayons brings a raw and authentic feel to the drawing, emphasizing the earnestness of a child’s perspective on this pressing issue.

This elementary art piece serves as a powerful tool for pollution awareness, illustrating the urgent need for environmental awareness and action.

Kudos to Sahithi for creating such a compelling and thought-provoking water pollution illustration. Her work not only showcases her artistic talent but also her deep commitment to raising awareness about environmental pollution.

At Curious Times, we are honored to feature this remarkable crayon drawing and celebrate the voices of young artists like Sahithi who inspire us to care for our planet. This drawing is a testament to the power of kid’s drawing in conveying important messages and fostering a sense of responsibility towards our environmen

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3, Shalom Hills International School

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