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We are Caretakers of Earth

Modern humans have really changed the face of Earth. Since the day we learnt the art of agriculture and settled near river our development has taken the highway. In the 1980s when Industrialization occurred, it brought promises with hidden dangers which slowly poisoned the nature. It led to mass deforestation, sky rocketing pollution of air, water and land.
But now we must understand our responsibility and save the planet Earth and the environment. We must move to eco-energy from fossil fuels on which we have become heavily dependent. We must follow the 3 R’S and reduce the use of plastic. We can make a difference again, our small steps on an individual basis can change the face of earth to a greener future again.

Rayyan Ahmad (IX-F)

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Rayyan Ahmad

9, Shalom Hills International School, AYA NAGAR, Delhi

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