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Image depicting What art means for me

What art means to me

Image depicting What art means for me

Art: an embodiment of the mind and soul. A piece of work that joins and brings people together. Work that displays the diverse range of human activities.

To me, art is a way to demonstrate expression and feeling. Happiness, sadness, anger, grievance and practically all other feelings can be shown through art. And by art I don’t mean just drawing and painting. I mean all kinds of art, let it be music, literature, sculpting, dance, theatre, poetry, photography or woodworking. Each form of art has a unique effect and a method of demonstration to express oneself.

But one does not use art just for expression, instead it can also be used as a method to escape. Escaping from reality or people, one can use literature to indulge themselves into another world, or drawing and painting to create another reality or take the mind off a bothering subject.

Art holds a really special place in my life. Drawing and painting can comfort me when I’m in an unpleasant mood (usually because of my parents) but on the other hand, playing or even listening to music helps me focus and keeps me in a good mood. And I of course can’t forget about filmography, which has the ability to indulge me into a roller coaster of emotions. But the piece of art that I enjoy the most has to be literature, mainly fiction.

What excites me most about it is how easily it can throw me into the spiral of another world, distracting me from the incumbent one. Reading is one of my hobbies but it turns into much more after I find interest in the book. The thrill of turning to the next page, the longing of wanting to stay awake till late to finish more, especially when you’re tired is absolutely unmatched. Finding a book that touches into the very depths of your heart and instantly backs out, ripping your heart out along with it, the second the book finishes is one of the best feelings there is.

The amount of power there is in a book is second to none. A book can change the way you think, act and behave. Art can demonstrate power with words, pictures, or a really good riff. Art can be really absurd but that doesn’t stop it from being the favourite part of one’s life. A lot of art can even be kept as a possession, and by that, I mean books, an instrument, or even a limited-edition figurine.

Just like art is abstract, explaining the love for art is equally abstract. How do we bring all the wonderful expressions in millions and millions of books, scriptures and keep it in our home? Personally, I would want to keep a part or a commemorative to a book I really like. That’s why I would like to keep a picture or a painting symbolising an important moment from a special book.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and an important part from the book is a thousand words. Each time I read an impactful book; I (somehow) manage to learn something from it. I want to ensure I have something that reminds me of it, something just as impactful. Having a picture or painting hung up on my bedroom wall will remind me of the meaning of the book and the emotions I felt through it.

As an example, I recently read ‘Dead Poets Society’ and I loved it so much. It conveyed important messages to not be swayed by anyone and to stand up for what’s right. The ending depicted that immensely well, but my memory probably won’t retain that for long, thus a small picture to remind me would remind me of the message that was created. That’s what would make it so special.

Even when I have to give books away to make space in my shelf, I’ll still have a reminder of what the book made me feel (I am aware people don’t give away really good books but if that’s the case, my bookshelf is going to be extremely cluttered). And I’d also be combining to pieces of art: literature and painting.

To conclude, I would say that art is subjective to each person. One may feel for something more than another. But to everyone, art is a way of expression and feeling and being able to connect with a piece of art on a deeper level is a gift that we all should achieve, because art has the power to invoke the most wonderful and the most unpleasant emotions in the world.

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Sanaa Celly

9, Scottish High International, Gurugram, Haryana
