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Why sports are not taken as a career in India?

“The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning” – Pele

These days it is observed that most of our youth has more interest in sports other than academics but that interest remains as a dream as
there is a lack of encouragement i.e not enough sports facilities, proper infrastructure, lack of guidance, no career oriented growth plan etc. compared to other countries.

In our society academics is the most accepted way for success and for better career. I believe sports can also be developed as an option for
career and better life. People have a wrong notion that career in sports is ruining their life but in reality it is rather more affluent and has more potential in it, where there is ample room to flourish.

So, we need to develop a system particularly dedicated towards sports management to recognise sports. There should be dedicated sports
schools with facilities like gym, playground, equipment for every type of sports, dietician, physiotherapist etc. This would help every youth to achieve his dream of becoming a successful sportsperson at an affordable cost for even in our rural areas.

We severely lag behind as compared to other countries in terms of sports performance and winning medals.

Had I been a leader of this country, I would bring a change and encourage and develop a society to look for the children who are interested in sports.
• Encourage to develop in parallel, Sports education model system just like our Academics based model system.
• Having absolute freedom to make choice to opt for either Sports or academics as their career from the very beginning.
• A proper roadmap for their secure future and their families, to restore their dignity and social connection with the society, after the
retirement from sports, as mostly sportsperson are job-less and are short of finances later.
• Encourage to develop Sports as sector and recognizing it as an Industry, a non-traditional businesses which have a great potential to
flourish and contribute to the country’s GDP, which has been overlooked up till now.
• Sports industry can generate a large number of employment opportunities in the form of the apparel and equipment sector, sports
medicine, sports tourism and other sport-related sectors.
• Need to create sectors like SEZ for sport-specific companies which will aid the growth of the sports sector and develop PPP Model.

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XI, st columbas School, New Delhi, Delhi

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