Cosmic Expedition: Parvathi’s Mission to Save Earth
Parvathi, a 10-year-old girl, was going to her Grandparent’s home for vacation at Karaikudi. She felt sad as she left her friends and city life for a month and climbed into the car. The trip from Chennai to Karaikudi was long, but they soon reached their destination. Her Grandparents welcomed her in, and showed her room. Then, they told her that they had bought a bicycle just for her to ride and have fun.
“Thanks, aaya, you’re the best!” she replied, smiling. “It looks really cool”
The following morning, she embarked on her cosmic bicycle journey through the streets. The cosmic breeze caressed her face, and flowers adorned the roadside. Mesmerized by nature’s cosmic beauty, she inadvertently pedaled into a towering boulder.
She tried going around, but it was just too big. Looking disappointed, she turned back and went home. The next day, she tried crossing the boulder, but failed, and had the same fate for the next several days.
Finally, she stopped trying to go around the boulder. Ione day, it was a fortnight since their departure, and she was laying on bed and with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she heard a sound as though someone opening her window, “creak”.
She took her water bottle, and when the window completely opened and something was coming through it, she swung the bottle hard, only to see that thing disappear and hear it shout “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”. She looked down and found something weirdly shaped like a spaceship, and had a green glow to it. It was rubbing its face and groaning. Parvathi screamed louder, and she was lucky that no one woke up.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”. “Hello dear earthling, I come from planet 657-ADY.” said a faint voice from below.
“I see that you have a very kind way of welcoming extraterrestrial visitors, as I can see.”, he continued. “‘Anyway, why is this place so polluted and unrecognizable? Where are all the bird, trees, and animals?”
He climbed up to the bed and sat down next to her. The alien somehow sounded warm, familiar and friendly like an old acquaintance.
Parvati slowly replied, “Technology and development has changed the whole world. With modernization and globalization, the cities are growing at a rapid pace. The trees and birds have no place in cities anymore. This is the cost of urbanization.” The alien sounded shocked and distressed.”Oh No! Now Earth has became like planet 657-ADY!
Only in Earth have us aliens seen such diverse animals, plants, and flowers! In our home, there is and has never been anything like nature, so Earth is the planet we love the most. None of our younger generation has ever seen anything like Earth, but I fear that Earth may lose it’s beauty by the time they grow up and be able to travel here.” said the Green Alien sadly.
Parvathi gasped and looked somber. “I never knew that the Earth was that precious!” she said. The alien nodded, his head down. He suddenly stood up. “By the way, I’m XY566. I have come here to take back a large imprint of the aliens back to 657-ADY.” said XY566 quickly. “Which large imprint?” asked Parvathi. “A huge rock, as it seems to humans. But it is actually an important piece of Technology in 657-ADY. Have you seen something like it?” XY566 replied. “Yes, in fact!” Parvathi exclaimed.
She ran down, took her bicycle, and told XY566 to hop on in the basket. XY566 did so and they went to the place where the large boulder was. “This is it!” said XY566 happily.He summoned his spaceship, climbed on, and lifted it into the sky, where a huge crane-like claw clutched the boulder and held it.”So long, Parvathi! Save the Earth for us!” XY566 shouted.
“I will!” she answered XY566 and the spaceship left into space, and Parvathi woke up suddenly. She got dressed and went cycling.
With cosmic joy, she found the boulder vanished, revealing a splendid sight. Parvathi grinned and pedaled onward, realizing her homeland’s cosmic value—a lesson etched eternally.
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