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Image depicting Vihaan's Alien Encounter: Earth's Portrait

Earth Unveiled: Vihaan’s Alien Encounter

Image depicting Vihaan's Alien Encounter: Earth's Portrait

Dear Friend from Ganymede (the biggest moon of Jupiter),

Greetings from Earth! We welcome you to this beautiful blue planet of ours!! It is spherical in shape, with flat poles and a bulge at the Equator (imaginary line at the center circumference). Our home is 70% water and 30% land.

Earth is the only planet in our Solar System with plate tectonics. These are floating plates on top of the magma interior of the Earth and can move against one another. When two plates collide, one plate will sub duct (go underneath another), and where they pull apart, they will allow fresh crust to form.

Earth is like a big magnet.
If you could separate the Earth out into piles of material, you’d get 32 % iron, 30% oxygen, 15% silicon, and 14% magnesium with other minerals in small quantities.

Researchers have approximated that there are over 8 million species of plants and animals on Earth. Nonetheless, up to this point, over 2 million species have been recognized and documented, with the majority of them being insects. The variety of food and entertainment that we have is so diverse that one human life is too short to taste everything once, and to see and experience its vast cultural diversity.

Hope you have planned a long stay to experience our Earth! Let me plan your itinerary!

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4, S M Shetty International School and Junior College, Mumbai, Maharashtara

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