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My Expressions
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Look back at history and discuss on one event you want to change.

It would be my wish to never experience this pandemic, and this is the only thing I want to change in history. I’m just 16 and I should be enjoying my golden teen years, living my school life, making mistakes and learning from them. There are plenty of things I could be doing, but right now I am like a depressed child through and through. My best friend, who is even funnier and always happy but not anymore, has not taken my phone calls or taken my text messages in so long. She actually lost her mother because of covid 19 and I can’t even imagine the hard times she is going through. There are numerous friends who have lost loved ones, who have lost careers, jobs, or school life, etc. I can hear the pain in her voice right now. In this period of time, hearing news of people dying on such high rates is too scary for us all, backlogging in class syllabuses, staying home, washing hands so frequently, worrying for your elderly parents that this could be happen with them. Being super introvert and realising that its gonna be so tough to socialise to make normal things back in life. I’m watching some big celebrities dying from pandemics, etc. and so many things which happen just because of this covid 19 pandemic.
The world would be a happier place if this pandemic never occurred, everyone goes to school even me, lives their lives, and my best friend never lost her mother and she’ll be just as funny and happy. I just wish there was some magic that could change one event in history so that I will never allow this epidemic to happen.

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12, Trinity Global School

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