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My Expressions
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Teacher, Student

My Dear Teachers

You open my wings and make me fly
I feel like a bird soaring in the sky
You encourage me no matter what
You always tell me to put on my thinking hat

Your gaily voice makes me want to laugh
You help me extend my writing graph
My heart fills with joy to see you even if it is online
You have supported me to extend my borderline

I am no longer shy or scared of speaking in class
I am no longer behind a piece of glass in front of the class
You helped me become a true writer
You have done this by making my writing brighter

I love you from my heart
I hope for your kindness to never depart
I hope you had a good time this year
Always be like you have to me and helping a student overcome their fears
I will always love you no matter what and I hope for you to have a wonderful life

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