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The event in history I would want to change

If I was able to change one event in world history, it would be the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Caught between world war II, innocent people of Japan suffered a lot and are still dealing with the aftereffects of the disaster. It took more than 2 years to rebuild the cities. Dropping bombs over a country was never a solution and never will be.

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Vaishnavi Panwar

11, DPSG International, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Comments: 10
  1. KavyaSaxena says:

    Wow 👍🏼

  2. Bharat_Kumar says:

    Great job…
    Shows how the Human desire to rule all can lead it to destruction of entire humanity.
    Tragedies and agonies for the innocent and irrepearable damage to the generations to come

  3. says:

    Well said!

  4. Sparsh99 says:

    I agree with you

  5. Palash.agg15 says:

    Amazing work, great thought!

  6. PARMEET says:

    Wow… rightly said!

  7. Ishwita20 says:

    Woww….very well said👍🏼

  8. Anurag9799 says:

    Agreed, violence is never the answer yet we are always drawn to it.

  9. r_raj400 says:

    Congrats , happy to know that children of today are very sensitive for issue’s of tomorrow after learning from past.

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