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Image depicting The Logs of the Domestically Inclined Traveller

The Logs of the Domestically Inclined Traveller

Image depicting The Logs of the Domestically Inclined Traveller

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting ‘The Logs of the Domestically Inclined Traveller’ by Rheanna Ann Jikku, a delightful adventure for children.

If I were a leader and I had to choose to promote either space tourism or domestic travel, I would choose to promote domestic travel.

Why? This is because in every winding path you take, you could find yourself in an interesting location like a beautiful sunset or maybe a book-filled library. Sure, having a tour through space would leave you with amazing images of the plethora of stars and celestial bodies around us, but sometimes we forget how much beauty the Earth we live in contains.

When you travel, you could meet new people or learn about different cultures. You may be right next to a cozy café which could become your go-to hangout with your friends and family or maybe you could find a spot on a beach that you always seem to reach when you need to get away from your problems for some time.

Of course, sometimes, you could reach an area which may be dirty, polluted, creepy, or maybe just unappealing to your senses. It is said that every experience comes with its own challenges and life-long lessons. If the place is polluted or dirty, you could try to tidy it up, thus cleaning the environment and doing your part as responsible citizens.

The land and water that surrounds us is beautiful and instead of looking at what is beyond our atmospheric barrier, we should first look around and admire our captivating Mother Earth.

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Rheanna Ann Jikku

6, The Choice School, Kochi, Kochi, Kerala

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