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We have to change our life style like early man to reduce carbon footprint

We have to change our lifestyle like early mans. They travel from place to place by cycles and legs. They eat raw fruits and vegetables without cooking them. We should use rafts to travel from place to place on water. They used to plant trees in spite of cutting wood. They used feathers to write. They used to write on palm leaf .They used to get sunlight in day and they use moonlight in night. They used to live in mud house near riverside to get water easily. They use to weave clothes by loom. They weave clothes by cotton, silk and jute. They were friendly and connected with nature. They never behaved against nature.
We are developing many things. So, that the world is changing and getting polluted. Cutting down of trees, poaching, hunting increases not only carbon footprint but it also increases UV rays. So the ozone layer is getting damaged. When the population reduces the carbon footprint also reduces.
The habitats of animals were not changed since they were living on the Earth. But human beings develop and innovate many things to make their work easy. Because of carbon footprint the air is getting dusty. They do not use plastic. There are many disadvantages in plastic, it does not compost, sometimes, plastic are choked by animals , so they are dying, sometimes heavy rains come by that more water comes, when the drains are blocked by plastic ,the water does not go into drains.
The water flows through the street and there is a case that the water turns into flood. There were no hospitals during that time. There were folk remedies. It was very good for health. That led to a happy and healthy life. Though it is the time to recognize our mistake. We all have to join together and reduce carbon footprint.
It everyone’s responsibility to reduce the carbon footprint and give the Earth polluted –free for the next generations. When people find innovative things like plastic the world will get polluted. There are many advantages and disadvantages on many man-made things.
But we have to reduce the uses of plastic. So the world becomes green, as before the Earth was kept by early men.

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6, India International school

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