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Environmental education amongst students

West Bengal schools focus on practical environmental education

Schools in West Bengal are focussing on practical environmental education. The teachers are teaching the students to be more environmentally friendly. They are trying to make the students aware of the environment and the need to protect it.

The teachers of Kolkata schools agree that environmental education must focus on practical knowledge and implementation. They believed that the students should learn and implement the lessons in their daily life. In this way, they will be able to bring a change in their surrounding environments.

So, the schools in Kolkata have taken up various environmental projects. The principal of the Heritage School, Runa Chatterjee said that the teaching methods should be based on a practical approach. The activities should be application-based. The teaching methodology should emphasize observation and exploration. They must learn different ways to protect the environment.

Environment friendly activities by schools

The Heritage School in Kolkata has organized various activities for the conservation of resources and other environmental activities. The students have planted trees in the name of their favourite literary character. Moreover, the school makes trips to villages to plant trees and distribute solar lamps.

Another school in West Bengal, Bhavan’s Gangabux Kanoria Vidyamandir believes in making the school surroundings environment friendly for students. The school has a green club that carries out various activities throughout the year. Recycling waste materials, water management are some of the activities of the green club.

Students need to change their lifestyles and adopt environment-friendly habits. Environmental education shouldn’t be a subject, but it should be able to change you as a person. There are other schools as well in West Bengal taking the environment-friendly approach in teaching. Though the pandemic has affected regular activities on the campus, the schools hope to resume it soon, as they are now opening.

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