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Violence: A Demon’s Creation

Violence: A Demon’s Creation – a student’s view on the content, movies, games and more.

Why do we love violent action movies?

I am not an action movie fan but a lot of my friends are. They are just awed by the violent movies but I would prefer to sit alone and read a book, rather than watching them. After a while, I noticed certain changes in my friends. They became violent and used a lot of swear words. This made me think about the mind-games played by violent TV shows and video games on innocent but capable-of-destruction minds of humans.

Are villains and heroes real?

It sometimes feels cool to watch a hero throwing some huge punches at a villain. It gives a kind of pleasure to watch your virtual six-packs character thrash some bad guys. But you very well know, it’s not reality. While many world organizations are trying not to support any kind of violence, but at the same time, some movies and online violent games are creating a negative impact on younger generations.

Every now and then, it’s quite common to find a new superhero movie being released in theatres. These superheroes fight the ‘so called’ villains to bring peace on earth but unfortunately, they give rise to war inside the audience. They inspire people to follow them. Hence many people take up to violence for as revenge when bullied. Same is with video games, the ones playing get so much involved that they become aggressive on petty issues.

How Violence is a a Demon’s Creation

Are the villains fighting against human minds?

I feel that such superhero movies and online video games which play with human minds, indirectly promote violence. Whereas in reality, no such superhero comes to save lives when people are in trouble. I humbly suggest that such games should be banned on the internet so that young minds do not become more destructive and instead they should take the path of peace to resolve any issue.

We need our green spaces back

The main reason why indoor games are winning over outdoor games is, I think, the kind of concrete environment which is provided to children these days. If the green cover is increased and children are encouraged to play in and with nature and would become more happy beings. As a result, we may observe that the ‘dark an evil’ video game and many such TV programs losing their ground because right now, they are winning. 

So how do we keep the Violence and demons out?
Let’s promote shows and games to create a harmonious environment.

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Mahi Hasija

Grade 9, DPS Rohini, New Delhi

Comments: 4
  1. Swati says:

    Very well written Mahi. Congratulations. Truly these games make productive minds destructive.

  2. suryassangyinichaudhary says:

    I agree with you, even I know that whatever we watch, it impacts our mind and our thoughts. Let me tell you something, I believe that NETFLIX is also bad for our minds and thoughts because NETFLIX pictures have their production and they put very bad and harsh sound effects and even the videos. I don’t use NETFLIX but some people use it and died because of it. WAR and CONFLICT, coming to this I would like to tell you that my mission is to make this Earth WAR FREE and ORPHAN FREE. So, even I believe that VIOLENCE is a DISASTER.

  3. Mahua says:

    Thanks a lot for inspiring and appreciating words.
    Regards, Mahi.

  4. rahul says:

    Excellent thoughts, awesome article!

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